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AList Setup Tutorial & Announcement of Cloud Storage Migration to AList


It's been a while since I last looked at setting up oneindex. Just when I wanted to upload some resources, I found that oneindex was down again and the homepage was blank. However, oneindex does have many disadvantages: it's quite complicated to configure (although the configuration tutorial is similar to alist, no one has provided a callback API for oneindex for a long time), the interface is not attractive enough (high EQ: simple and clear), it's not stable enough, and it only supports mounting onedrive. After thinking it over, I decided to change the cloud storage program to AList.

What advantages does AList have over oneindex? Actually, quite a few:

  1. It can mount cloud storage services like Aliyun, Tianyi Cloud, and Caicloud, which have no speed limit. The download experience is much better than oneindex's single-threaded download (not everyone knows how to use aria2 for downloads).
  2. It supports directly uploading resources from the web page without the need for a client, which greatly improves the experience of temporarily uploading small files.
  3. It is still being continuously updated (it is still uncertain who is in charge of oneindex now).

No time to waste, let's get started.


The official documentation provides 4 installation methods:

  • One-click script
  • Docker
  • Manual installation
  • PaaS

Since I have my own server in China and a registered domain name, I didn't consider PaaS and directly chose docker. Why not use the one-click script? Because the download speed is really slow (they didn't even use Aliyun as the download source, thumbs down).

To install the stable version using docker, simply enter the following command:
docker run -d --restart=always -v /etc/alist:/opt/alist/data -p 5244:5244 --name="alist" xhofe/alist

After installation, enter docker logs alist. If it displays "start server @", then it's successful. Continue to configure the reverse proxy. I'm using the Baota panel, so I need to go to the panel settings:

Click on "Website Configuration" and enter the reverse proxy configuration, then click on "Add Reverse Proxy".
![QQ 截图 20220730103158.png][1]

Enter the following information:
![QQ 截图 20220730103255.png][2]

Click "Save". If the configuration is correct, you can access the website through the bound domain name.

![QQ 截图 20220730110330.png][3]

After entering the obtained password, do some further configuration, and you're done.

That's it. This site's cloud storage has been successfully migrated to AList, and a new domain name has been used. The new domain name is [drive.bnnet.com.cn][4], and all the previous resources are still there. In the future, faster Aliyun cloud storage will be used to share resources.

[1]: https://my.toho.red/usr/uploads/2022/07/3368137015.png
[2]: https://my.toho.red/usr/uploads/2022/07/2770558581.png
[3]: https://my.toho.red/usr/uploads/2022/07/3977306560.png
[4]: http://drive.bnnet.com.cn

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